
Rejuvenation Break: Keeping Your Energy Flowing

Like a stream that no longer moves, energy can become stagnant and polluted. This is not good for health.

Many complementary practitioners believe that it is a healthy practice to invite a strong current of "life-force" or "chi" to move through the body since any depleted, stuck or blocked energy cab manifest in symptoms of illness such as depression, back pain, cancer or anxiety.

Unfortunately we now live in an inherently unhealthy environment. The air is not pure, the water is not clean, and our cleaning products, cosmetics and food are largely contaminated. These contaminants stress the body's ability to function at optimum capacity. None of us can escape this planetary health crisis, but we can make healthy choices whenever possible.

Here are some things you can do to maintain a healthier lifestyle taken from my book Aftershock:
  • Do simple stretching when you get up in the morning
  • Walk every day. Include some brisk walking
  • Join a yoga or tai chi class. Or choose some form of aerobic exercise
  • Drink 6-8 + glasses of water a day
  • Cut back on sugar and processes food. Instead, try to go organic
  • Read labels of food, cosmetic and household products for synthetic and artificial ingredients, and genetically modified foods. Buy accordingly 
  • Become aware of the vitamin and mineral supplements your body needs. To be safe, consult a doctor
Trying these things can lead to a healthier lifestyle which can dramatically improve your happiness as a whole. Remember, activities that keep your energy flowing are good for you.

Written by Altimont Parker, SUNY New Paltz Intern for Roots & Wings


NYC People's Climate March

I was lucky enough to attend the People's Climate March held this Sunday in NYC. I was one of 300,000 people in what is being called the largest climate-change demonstration in history. Demonstrators marched with the intent to bring awareness to the effects global warming has had on the planet.

In preparation for the gathering of world leaders at the United Nations for a summit meeting on climate change, this demonstration is bringing widespread attention to climate change. For more information on the rally, you can read these great articles:

NY Times

USA Today

Written by Altimont Parker, SUNY New Paltz Intern for Roots & Wings


Rejuvenation Break: Quality Alone Time

Among the many challenges facing you is the need to "be" not only to "do." By putting aside periods each day to slow down, you will be able to give yourself the opportunity to become more fully aware of what you are actually experiencing from moment to moment. 

Quality time for "being," can open the door to your heart and your own ways of knowing. 

Here are some tips from my book Aftershock that will improve the way in which you spend alone time:
  • While at home, turn off the telephone, your cell phone, TV and computer
  • When you wish to have uninterrupted time for something you love to do, hang a sign on the door handle, saying: "Please do not disturb"
  • Look for a place or several different places in your neighborhood to sit or walk without intrusion
  • Think about the rhythm of your week. Are there natural breaks in your schedule where you can put aside routine tasks? There's great wisdom in the ancient practice of taking a complete day of rest every seventh day
  • Become involved with a group that has little or nothing to do with the stress you have to go through daily. Sometimes it helps to change perspective and consciousness by changing the environment
It may be difficult to carve out time for yourself when you are caught up in the many activities and worries that consume your week, but it is a lifeline to health. Create your own wellness prescription by experimenting with the suggestions that appeal to you and you may feel better because of it. 

Written by Altimont Parker, SUNY New Paltz Intern for Roots & Wings


About Roots & Wings

ROOTS & WINGS is dedicated to helping you through transitions and change. We offer meaningful, heartfelt ceremonies, healing retreats, country getaways, and health / wellness publications and resources.
General Information

You are invited to unwind and recharge your batteries in the restful setting of the Mountain Studio or the Garden Room. In all seasons, our unique, non-traditional, non-smoking, peaceful environment offers privacy and comfort in the midst of great natural scenic beauty. You may also turn your Getaway into a Healing Retreat by taking advantage of our health and consultation serv

Roots and Wings is a casual, informal, country getaway to escape from your regular life and slow down to a natural rhythm. If you are looking for an upscale, elegant or romantic B&B with a gourmet breakfast, we will happily refer you.

Start the day at your own pace. In each space, you will find fresh fruit on the table, and in the refrigerator all you need for a delicious continental breakfast.

Stroll the trails on the grounds, relax on the benches or on your private deck or patio. Walk the labyrinth, meditate, exercise or head out for an active day in the Shawangunks, or explore the Mid Hudson Valley.
The Mountain Studio - A unique studio apartment with private bath, efficiency kitchen, queen loft bed and private deck, (specially created for your relaxation and healing) with views of farm pastureland and cliffs. Rates - $149. per night. Discounts available for stays of 4 days and longer.
The Garden Room - a double bed, adjacent private bath and breakfast nook, patio; garden and woodland wildlife views from room, pasture & cliff views from patio. Rates - $135. per night. Discounts available for stays of 4 days and longer.



A tool to simplify, track and support all aspects of your cancer experience.
Finalist in the 2012 National Indie Excellence Awards
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a step-by-step guide to help you navigate your way
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A 60 minute CD of guided imagery and meditations to transform your life

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In the spirit of your tradition or beliefs, Rev. Puja Thomson will help you create a heartfelt ceremony that uniquely reflects a special commitment or marks an important occasion in your life. Puja welcomes inquiries from couples blending different spiritual, religious, or ethnic backgrounds as well as those with a common heritage.


Written by Cynthia Stewart for Roots & Wings


Rejuvenation Break: Connect With Nature

When life becomes too stressful, it is important to remember to take some time out to do something that gives you peace. Although we are not machines, sometimes we need to recharge our batteries as well. That is why it is important to remember to take a rejuvenation break. A great way of doing that is by enjoying nature before the winter months make it too difficult to do so.

The days are getting shorter and the weather is getting brisker. The seasons are changing which gives us a great opportunity to experience natures beauty.

Nature keeps us in touch with the miracle of the seasons and cycles of life - natural rhythms that remind us of our place in the larger scheme of things.

Here are a few tips on how to enjoy nature via my book Aftershock

- Walk as much or as little as you are able - anywhere, in your yard, your neighborhood, a public park or preserve

- Sit with your back against a tree. Feel and absorb its support

- Listen to the water of a flowing stream. As you relax into listening, become aware of both its many different sounds and the harmony of the whole

- Feel the wind on your hair

- Take a drive

- Stare up at a starry night

- Lie on the grass and pay attention to the contact you are making with the earth. Gently breathe and allow the earth's energy to be absorbed into your body

Follow these steps to rejuvenate your body and mind and you will have a much better week!

Written by Altimont Parker, SUNY New Paltz Intern for Roots & Wings

Scottish Referendum: YES vs NO

I was lucky enough to visit my home country of Scotland this summer and something I got to experience was the impact of the controversial referendum vote on Scottish independence. It is only a few days away now on September the 18th and currently it is too close to call. Issues are very complex and will affect the entire British Isles.

As I made my way around Scotland, I noticed the 'YES' campaign as being very outspoken and pushy. There were many loud colorful signs and even a merchandise shop which promoted the idea of Scottish independence.

While the ‘NO Thanks’ campaign seemed much more restrained. I noticed subtle signs across Scotland that were not as aggressive but still made a statement that there were campaigning against voting for independence. 

But, as many Scots consider voting to be a very private personal matter, many are not likely to reveal what they will vote and may vote no.

Written by Altimont Parker, SUNY New Paltz Intern for Roots & Wings