Puja went through her Health and Wellness organizer workbook which thoroughly outlines the steps necessary to manage documents and handle doctors appointments. I'm just now beginning the time of my life where I have to keep account of these things if I want to be on top of my health for years to come. Puja highlights six categories designed to help better organize yourself.
The yellow pages section discusses how to effectively organize your emergency and medical contacts. Including directory style contact list and steps outlining how to use it, this can be a time saver.
The next section informs you how to make medical decisions including how to reach out to those you'd like to include in your support system. I thought this section made it easier for you to access information you may need but may slip your mind when faced with medical emergencies.
The third part in the organizer focuses on teaching you how to access your medical appointments. Visiting the doctor can sometimes be overwhelming and you may not always be ready to ask the appropriate questions. This section focuses on having a plan before you go into your appointment.
Puja outlines the best methods to be used when following up with your doctor after your appointments. I didn't know this was an important step and the organizer sheds light on how that process can be effective.
Steps on how to effectively organize bills, insurance and medical records. Puja outlines the best way to manage these materials and how to store them. I found that it was much easier than I would think and would help with later confusion.
And lastly "my reference library" focuses on how to organize research and materials needed that you may need for future reference.
The Health & Wellness organizer is perfect for someone like myself who is not experienced with organizing but values the importance of having important documents placed away efficiently. Having this information and workbook gives me a head start making me more confident on doctors visit.
If you would like to order to Health & Wellness organizer for you or someone you love, you can visit the Roots & Wings website here: http://www.rootsnwings.com/products.html
Written by Altimont Parker, SUNY New Paltz Intern for Roots & Wings