Located at the base of the spine, the Root Chakra connects us
with our natural surroundings, including our own bodies. A balanced first
chakra can make us peaceful and at ease, as well as stable with life. The Root
Chakra helps us satisfy our immediate needs.
Since it is the body’s foundation for the rest of the
chakras, it is important to make sure the Root Chakra is properly balanced
before focusing on the other chakras.
There are many ways to balance the Root Chakra, for example,
affirmations work well. These are supportive sentences that encourage a
positive outlook on life and can be specific to each chakra.
An affirmation for the Root Chakra is, “I nurture my body
with healthy food, clean water, exercise, relaxation, and connection with nature.”
You can see the simple power of the sentence if you repeat it to yourself,
believing in its message.
Methods such as yoga, meditation, and exercise can also be
used to balance the Root Chakra. As you let go of your worries and engage in
these activities, you will be more peaceful and are more likely to feel good
about yourself and your body.
Color also plays a big role for all of the chakras. For the
Root Chakra, the color is red. It is the color of life, strength, fire, and
harmony. Red is a color that catches the eye and can give you the passion,
fire, and drive needed to push on with the betterment of your life, replacing
your limitations with a clearer focus on what is really important.
Thus, the Root Chakra serves as the foundation for the body
and for the rest of the chakras.
Prepared by Joseph Nikic, SUNY New Paltz Summer Intern for
Roots & Wings