
Root Chakra: The Body's Foundation

Located at the base of the spine, the Root Chakra connects us with our natural surroundings, including our own bodies. A balanced first chakra can make us peaceful and at ease, as well as stable with life. The Root Chakra helps us satisfy our immediate needs.

Since it is the body’s foundation for the rest of the chakras, it is important to make sure the Root Chakra is properly balanced before focusing on the other chakras.

There are many ways to balance the Root Chakra, for example, affirmations work well. These are supportive sentences that encourage a positive outlook on life and can be specific to each chakra.

An affirmation for the Root Chakra is, “I nurture my body with healthy food, clean water, exercise, relaxation, and connection with nature.” You can see the simple power of the sentence if you repeat it to yourself, believing in its message.

Methods such as yoga, meditation, and exercise can also be used to balance the Root Chakra. As you let go of your worries and engage in these activities, you will be more peaceful and are more likely to feel good about yourself and your body.

Color also plays a big role for all of the chakras. For the Root Chakra, the color is red. It is the color of life, strength, fire, and harmony. Red is a color that catches the eye and can give you the passion, fire, and drive needed to push on with the betterment of your life, replacing your limitations with a clearer focus on what is really important.

Thus, the Root Chakra serves as the foundation for the body and for the rest of the chakras.

Prepared by Joseph Nikic, SUNY New Paltz Summer Intern for Roots & Wings


Know Your Chakras

The earliest discussion of the chakras, or energy centers, in the body was found in the Vedas, a Hindu large body of texts originating in ancient India (1700 BCE- 1100 BCE).  ‘Chakra’ comes from the Sanskrit, meaning ‘wheels of light.' Our energy levels affect our everyday lives. Lack of energy, or blocked energy, can lead to stress, the feeling of illness, and actual illness.  Being in touch with your 7 key chakras or energy centers is important to keep positive energy flowing through your body, and to maintain and improve one’s health.

1.     The Root Chakra- Located at the base of the spine, the first chakra represents our foundation and connection with our bodies, the surrounding environment, and the Earth. It is the chakra that initiates our fight or flight response.

2.     The Sacral Chakra- The second chakra is more focused on pleasure and enjoyment. It is located 2 inches below the navel in the lower abdomen. It is considered the center for feeling and emotion.

3.     Solar Plexus Chakra- The third chakra is all about the individual. Located in the upper abdomen in the stomach area, the Solar Plexus Chakra is the center of our personality, identity, and ego. It effects our ability to be confident and in control of our lives.

4.     Heart Chakra- Located in the center of the chest, right above the heart, the Heart Chakra deals with our ability to love. This chakra deals with the love one has for other people, but also with the love of oneself as well as one’s inner peace.

5.     Throat Chakra- The fifth chakra deals with one’s voice and communication. The Throat Chakra is not just focused on speaking to others, but also on self-expression and genuine expression of one’s truth. Accepting our uniqueness  and what is true can help remove troublesome doubt and negativity from our lives. It is located in the throat.

6.     Third Eye Chakra- Also called the “Brow Chakra”, the sixth chakra allows us to see more than what is in front of us physically. It calls to our imagination and inner vision to help us focus on what matters most to us. Located on the forehead, right above the nose, the Third Eye Chakra allows us to see the deeper meanings of life’s experiences.

7.     The Crown Chakra- Located at the top of the head, the seventh chakra is at the top of the chakra chain. It represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. It helps us realize that everything is connected spiritually at a selfless level. We develop an understanding of both inner and outer beauty as well as a pure connection with our own spirituality.

Although very basic, this list of the 7 chakras can help you ultimately come to peace  with all the aspects in your own life. This peace will create positive energies flowing throughout the body with fewer energy blocks, allowing you to feel better physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. There are many other minor chakras that affect our bodies, but these are the main 7 that connect us with ourselves, the world around us, and other people.


Rejuvenation Break: Getting A Good Nights Rest

Getting enough sound sleep has a profound impact on your stress levels, immune function and disease resistance. Lack of sleep can leave you feeling sluggish, irritable, forgetful, accident-prone, and will cause you to have difficulty concentrating or coping with life's daily aggravations. 

Long-term sleep loss can also result in heart disease, stroke, hypertension, depression, and anxiety. While asleep, your body and immune system do most of its repairs and rejuvenation. A good nights rest is essential to making sure your days are as productive energy filled as possible.

Here are some tips that may help you get a better nights sleep:
  • Turn off all monitors that may distract you from relaxation at least one hour prior to getting ready for bed
  • Recall winding down techniques you practiced as a child to help settle yourself in for sleep. Read a book, brush your teeth, etc.
  • Avoid eating junk foods too close to bed time. It takes a lot of energy to break these foods down and may disrupt your ability to fall asleep
  • Try to get into a sleep schedule that allows you to maximize the hours you're asleep that will you leave you the most refreshed in the morning 
  • Incorporate exercise into your morning routine so you begin the day with more energy. It also makes you more prepared for sleep as you are more exhausted at the end of the day
Written by Altimont Parker, SUNY New Paltz Intern for Roots & Wings